Sunday, January 27, 2013

Missionary Don Richardson

While attending one of our yearly ATI conferences we were able to hear the former missionary Don Richardson speak of God's astounding work among the Sawi tribe in New Guinea, Indonesia.  The girls also had the pleasure to work with him at another conference while on staff.  He came to a missions conference in our area and we were excited to hear him share again and talk with him.  

You might be familiar with two of his books, The Peace Child and Eternity in Their Hearts.  If you're looking to be encouraged by God's provision and miracles you'll want to read these!  The first book recounts the Richardson's while living and working among the Sawi tribe in the 1960's.  Both tell of the God given "compasses" in cultures that point them towards Christ.

One of Mr. Richardson's sons started a missions organization called Pioneers.  Go here to watch the video "Never the Same: 50 Years since Peace Child".  He and some of his children return to see the fruit of God's Word planted many, many years ago.


  1. Awww! I wish I has been there! Lord-willing we will be there this year. :)

    1. We'll look forward to seeing y'all! Congrats on the 20th anniversary for your parents too! God bless!
